This concert features a diverse set of incredibly interesting and inspiring works for band, centered around David Maslanka's short masterpiece for winds, "Give Us This Day." For this concert, we're so fortunate to feature the Affton High School Concert Band as our guest ensemble. They are led by Mr. Ryan Lupka, who has assembled an engaging program to add to UMSLWE's. Thank you for being with us this evening, and enjoy the concert!
- Dr. David Wacyk
Affton HS Concert Band
Jaime Texidor Amparito Roca
This Spanish pasodoble march was written by Spanish bandleader and composer Jaime Texidor. The introduction and first strain are indicative of a bullfighter’s music, whereas the gentle, lighthearted trio section takes on the character of a couples dance, evoking the other essential element of the pasodoble. The powerful brass in the dogfight (bullfight), and the tutti texture of the maestoso section bring this piece to a grand conclusion.
DIMITRI SHOSTAKOVICH Waltz no. 2 from Suite for Variety Stage Orchestra
The Suite for Variety Orchestra (circa 1956) is a suite in eight movements by Dmitri Shostakovich. The work consists of a collection of movements which derive from other works by the composer. For many years the Suite for Variety Orchestra was misidentified as the lost Suite for Jazz Orchestra No. 2 (1938), a different work in three movements that was lost during World War II.
MIKE KAMUF Derivations
After a mysterious introduction, this original work takes off with contrasting themes in both 4/4 and 3/4. Bold melodies, contemporary harmonies, and driving percussion combine to create a perfect opening or closing selection for your next concert or festival performance. Relentless!
UMSL Wind Ensemble
The title of the work, taken from a short poem by R. H. Grenville, speaks of hope and new beginnings. The bird represents an institution, ready to soar to new heights. Musically, Joy is a Bird is set as a fanfare for wind ensemble. This celebratory piece highlights melodic ideas that rise, fly, and soar. The strong and steady beat throughout signifies hard work and dedication. The second half of the piece, in a faster tempo and full of flare, celebrates new beginnings, innovation, inspiration, diversity, and unity.
The composer writes
The words "give us this day" are, of course, from the Lord's Prayer, but the inspiration for this music is Buddhist. I have recently read a book by the Vietnamese Buddhist monk Thich Nhat Hanh (pronounced "Tick Not Hahn") entitled For a Future to be Possible. His premise is that a future for the planet is only possible if individuals become deeply mindful of themselves, deeply connected to who they really are. While this is not a new idea, and something that is an ongoing struggle for everyone, in my estimation it is *the* issue for world peace. For me, writing music, and working with people to perform music, are two of those points of deep mindfulness. Music allows us to be immediately present, awake, and aware. "Give Us This Day"...Give us this very moment of aware aliveness so that we can build a future in the face of a most dangerous and difficult time.
I chose the subtitle "Short Symphony for Wind Ensemble" because the music really isn't programmatic in nature. It has a full-blown symphonic character, even though there are only two movements. The music of the slower first movement is deeply searching, while that of the highly energized second movement is at times both joyful and sternly sober. The piece ends with a modal setting of the chorale melody Vater Unser in Himmelreich" ("Our Father in Heaven"), #110 from the 371 Four-Part Chorales by J.S. Bach.
(click on underlined links for more info)
Director of Instrumental Ensembles, Assistant Teaching Professor of Music, UMSL
Director of Bands, Affton High School
Affton HS Concert Band
Liseli Akafekwa
Logan Fiedler
Miranda Herndon
Tammy Jackson
CC Roth
Mary Cooper
Denis Gralike
Makynzi Rhoads
Michelle Shaffer
Bass Clarinet
Eleanor Livengood
Alto Saxophone
Severin Eichelmann
Danil Gralike
Mason Mifflin
Aidan Snethen
Erik Uhrig
Tenor Saxophone
Peyton Averbeck
Baritone Saxophone
Irma Karasanovic
Ladarius Campbell
Milo Chandler
Christopher Hund
Joe Levinson
French Horn
Trystan Brown
Aiden Maue
Gavin DeClue
Storm Dill
Natalie Jobe
Anna Mikow
Conrad Salt
Skyler Stanley
Ildefonso Carreon
Nathan Duncan
Brendan Bute
Aron Cole
Miles DeWille
Issac Hudson
Wyatt Nehring
Jack Rahmoeller
Spencer Roudebush
Corban Varghese
UMSL Wind Ensemble
Katlynn Connor
Pamela Hereneen
Anna Klein
Liah Kahn
Alissa Smith
Joy Floyd
Mark Overton
Jacob Johnson
Dave Metzger
Joey Brown
Sam Brown
Laurin Council
Heather Decker
Kylee Hempel
Tyler Teague
Sarah Thompson
Bass Clarinet
Chris Hollingsworth
Ashten Perigo
Alto Saxophone
Elizabeth Kusterer
Baritone Saxophone
Alex Martin
Heidi Abbott
Tommy Ahl
Tim Luft
Sara Mullins
Krishaun Dotson-Orange (cornet)
Cristian Fudge
Brandon Kuras
Seth Peters
Joshua Veal
Chris Vasquez
Jamie Blaylock
Johnathan Daniels
Ben Ellis
Ryan Scott
George Todd
Joshua Thompson
Patrick Wilke
Doug Schaffer
Elizabeth Whitmore
Charles Wilkes
Sadia Arif
Rick Breyer
Jacob Brewer
Eric Carranza
Bailey Kayser
*UMSL Faculty